How to Celebrate a Milestone Birthday with Travel

Celebrating big birthday milestones are a great excuse to step out of your comfort zone, do something you’ve always wanted to, or set a personal challenge for yourself. It’s also a great reason to get a few more stamps in your passport and tick off a few bucket list items. Here are our suggestions for ways to celebrate a milestone birthday with a little travel involved!


Tackle a Personal Challenge

Big milestone birthdays remind us that we’re all getting a bit older. Taking on a personal challenge, especially one requiring a bit of fitness, is a great way to keep fit as you get a little older and prove to yourself you can still do anything you set your mind to! Trekking the Kokoda Track or reaching Everest Base Camp is do-able at any age if you’re active and a can-do attitude.


Celebrate in Style

Treating yourself to a fancy holiday or splurging on something special is a great way to reward yourself for your achievements. Maybe you stay at a very posh 5-star hotel for the first time or book into a Michelin star restaurant for a nice meal.  Do you always fly economy? Now is the time to treat yourself to business or first class. If you’re a reward points collector, these might come in handy with covering the cost of your seat.


Cruise Around

There is just something so appealing about cruising. Is it the fact that you only unpack once but still get to see a variety of destinations, the fantastic food and wine that is all included in the cost, or something else? Regardless, we think taking a cruise to the high seas is a perfect way to celebrate a milestone birthday. Invite a few friends and family to join you for an unforgettable holiday.


Go Somewhere Magical

There are a few destinations on Earth that take your breath away and remind you of the incredible world we live in. A milestone birthday is a perfect excuse to treat yourself to a holiday that explores one of these regions. Perhaps you’ll take a cruise to Antarctica and get amongst the penguins or cruise to the Russian Arctic and see polar bears in their natural habitat. It’s an experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life.


Reconnect with yourself

Milestone birthdays also offer a chance for self-reflection and to look inward. What better way to do this than on a wellness trip in the rainforests of Costa Rica or a short escape to the mountains in Bali? Enjoy good food, lovely accommodation and a little bit of yoga or meditation here and there to rest and reinvigorate you for the next decade or so!

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